… If you have suffered violence
In the event of aggression, threats, blackmail, theft, contact the cantonal police 117.
You can contact us for advice or for accompaniment to the police.
We can help you in writing your complaint.
Keep in mind that you will have to interview the agent alone.
If you don’t speak Italian you are entitled to an interpreter
If you have experienced sexual assault, go to the emergency room immediately. In these cases, doctors are required to report the incident to the police.
Even if it is not easy, do not wash and do not change your clothes so as not to eliminate the evidence.
You can also go to the nearest police station immediately or call 117.
You have the right to be accompanied during the report by a trusted person.

Se hai subito una violenza sessuale, vai immediatamente al pronto soccorso. In questi casi i medici sono tenuti a segnalare l’accaduto alla polizia.
Anche se non è facile, non lavarti e non cambiarti d’abito in modo da non eliminare le prove.
Puoi rivolgerti immediatamente anche al posto di polizia più vicino o chiamare il numero 117.
Hai diritto ad essere accompagnata durante la denuncia da una persona di fiducia.
Se hai bisogno contattaci: le nostre consulenze sono confidenziali e gratuite
Useful links
Here you will find more information on how to react in case of crime