Who we are

Primis, a Zonaprotetta service, is aimed at sex professionals who all work in Canton Ticino.

Our Mission:

Promote the sexual health and related rights of people who prostitute themselves

Promote health and reduce the risks associated with prostitution, in particular relating to the transmission of IHV and other sexually transmitted infections

Promote access to social, legal, administrative assistance services, etc.

Ensure access to treatment and prevention

Fighting against stigmatization and social exclusion

Primis is a member of ProCoRe, the national network for the defense of the interests of sex workers in Switzerland.

Primis participates in the national APIS network coordinated by Swiss ADIS.

To know our history click here


– Vincenza Guarnaccia

Sexual health consultant – cultural, linguistic mediator

– Isabel Londono Aguilar

Cultural, linguistic mediators

– Jussiene Righini

– Mihaela Sgrò